Three Easy Ways To Increase Your Home’s Value

Part of being a responsible homeowner is knowing how to improve your property not just for your own sake but in case you decide to sell in the future. This date may come sooner than you think, and that is why it is always best to stay on top of any upgrades. By doing these small additions, you get to enjoy them while you live there, and then when it comes time to sell, you get a much healthier paycheck than you might otherwise have gotten. Here are a few additions you could start today that would add thousands in value down the track. 

Home Water Filters

Home water filters are a sought-after appliance by many people who simply don't like the taste of tap water. Home water filters are also very important in more rural areas where there may not be reliable plumbing from the water main. Even people who may not actively search for homes with water filters will see it as a positive addition that shows care and forethought. Home water filters get rid of any rust, dirt or sediment that can build up in the pipes under your home and gives you a crystal clear glass of water every time. Most people who try out home water filters never go back because of how great the upgrade is.

Attic Storage

Most Australian houses have an attic of sorts, but most of these attics are not suitable for any weight to be placed in them. However, all it takes is a few supporting beams and some minor renovations to change that and give you storage for several hundred kilograms of knick-knacks and items that don't have a current space but that you may want in the future. Storage is so important, especially in inner-city suburbs, and any way that you can add more into the property will be seen as a positive by prospective buyers and will mean a cleaner home for yourself.

Smart Lights

As homes become more and more interactive, a common feature will be smart lights. These are lights in which you can program the colour, brightness and patterns from your mobile smart device. These are great for parties, where crazy colours can add another element that was previously only reserved for clubs and for everyday use where scheduled changes can remind you when you should feed the dogs or go to bed. Smart lights are relatively cheap to install, and they provide a major wow-factor that anyone will be impressed by. 
