Designing an Under-Sink Water Filter Space

Water filters help make your home's water taste a lot better, and depending on the type of filter you have, you can remove contaminants like bacteria or heavy metals as well. Home water filters come in a few styles, including whole house filters, but sometimes you want an extra filter at a particular sink. For example, maybe you have a whole house filter that removes certain contaminants but not others, and you want to have a filter at the kitchen sink to remove those extra contaminants. One way to do this is to install a filter under the sink, so it's not visible normally. 

The space you put it in, however, could use some help so that you can access the water filter when needed without compromising on storage space for other items. If you're remodelling or designing your kitchen counters, now is the time to create the perfect space for that under-sink filter.

Make It Spacious

Give the filter room. It's common for people to use the cabinet under the kitchen sink to store things like cleaning chemicals and tools, and placing a water filtration system under the sink will take up a lot of that room unless you make the under-sink storage cabinet nice and roomy. Set one side apart for the water filter system and leave the other side for organising general household items that you'd normally store in there. Even if the sink itself will be smaller, make that cabinet a little larger than normal.

Make It Easy to See

Make the filter section easy to see. That could include allowing the cabinet door to open out more, say, to a wider angle, or adding a battery-operated light. Anyone working on the filter, including you, will need to see what they're doing. The cabinet under the sink is already kind of a dark place that doesn't allow a lot of light in because of its position, so improving the lighting will help you when you need to change a filter, for example.

What About a Pull-out Rack in Case of Water Filter Repair?

You can place the water filter unit on the floor of the cabinet or attach it to a rack on the wall. You can also consider adding a pull-out rack that will make it easier to access the filtration system in case of repair or replacement, instead of having whoever is working on the filter crawl halfway into the cabinet to reach it.

Having that under-sink water filter will give you water that is cleaner and better-tasting. Making it easier to access the water filter system will also make it easier to keep using the system for years.
